It’s that time of year. The temperature is gradually creeping up, and the trees are starting to bloom. With the trees and flowers blooming, allergies become a concern for a lot of people. The itchy, watery eyes, the scratchy throat, the runny noes, these symptoms can put a real damper on what should be an exciting time of year for all of us. After all, Summer is just around the corner. A good filtration system attached to your home’s heating and cooling system, such as an electronic air cleaner, or even a good pleated media filter, can help you to enjoy this time of year the way you should. You can also incorporate UV light treatment which will sterilize the bacteria floating through your duct system. The filter will catch it, while the UV light zaps it.
Having a furnace equipped with a variable speed fan is also a great way to circulate the air through the home. Variable speed, or ECM motors can run continuously at a very low speed. By running a continuous fan you can constantly filter the air, and help balance temperatures throughout the home all while saving money due to the low operating cost of the ECM motor. These motors use about 2/3 the power of a traditional blower motor.
Heat Recovery Ventilators, or HRV’s, can remove stale air from your home and exhaust it to the outside, while bringing fresh air into the home. The HRV removes heat from the air being exhausted, and mixes it with the incoming fresh air to condition it. This allows you to efficiently bring fresh air into the home, without affecting the indoor air temperature. This is also a much safer alternative than leaving windows open.
These are just a few of the ways we can increase the quality of the air you breathe inside your home. Remember also, that this is the perfect time of year to have a system maintenance done. We will get your air conditioner ready for the long Summer ahead, and make sure your furnace is ready to deliver the air throughout your home.
Have a great Spring!