How many of you out there were taught to type with a double space after the punctuation to end a sentence? <- See example. With the exception of the double space after that question mark, this post will contain only single spaces after each sentence. This is a big change for me, as I was taught like many of you, to double space after each sentence. The more we dive into the digital world, the more we see that this rule may no longer apply. Have you noticed that when you double space to end a sentence, that if that sentence is at the end of a line, the next line will have an unintended indent? It drives me crazy! You can try to correct it by removing the extra space on that one line, but what happens if you look at what you have typed on a different screen, such as going from an iPad to a desktop? Your indent may be in a different location. After discussing this topic with a couple fellow persnickety personalities, I have decided to scrap the double spacing. It seems that it no longer serves a purpose in the digital world we live in today, and only creates issues with uniformity in the layout of emails, blog posts, or web pages. One could argue over whether or not it is the proper way to type; in fact, many argue that it is not proper, and that it was just a way to overcome the shortcomings of the typewriter’s abilities. Either way, I am officially over it. Single spacing works for me, and if it means keeping all of the text to the left of the page, then problem solved.
By the way, I will not be indenting the beginning of my paragraphs online either. Thank you for reading my rant, that has absolutely nothing to do with heating and air conditioning.