Air Stars is the contractor to call for AC repair in the Salem area. We quickly address emergencies. But just because your AC isn’t working right doesn’t always mean you need an HVAC contractor. There are a few simple reasons for air conditioning trouble. We’ll explain what to do before calling for air conditioning service in Keizer, OR, on a hot summer day.
Change the AC Filter
Neglecting to change the air filter can result in airflow issues that prevent the AC from providing sufficient cooling. The unit will work harder to compensate and can become strained and overheated. It can also shut down completely. But whether it’s not cool enough or your unit won’t turn on, changing a blocked air filter should get it running again without a technician’s help.
Determine If the Unit Has Power
If your AC won’t turn on, check if lights, devices, and other appliances work. If not, a power outage may be affecting your area. You can ask neighbors if their homes are receiving power. But if the problem seems isolated to your AC, check the circuit breaker. Resetting a tripped breaker may be all you need to do. But call a contractor if it keeps tripping. There may be a faulty wire, short circuit, or problem with an electrical connection or component in your HVAC system.
Check the AC Switches
The outdoor unit and indoor air handlers have on/off switches. A switch can be flipped by accident. Someone may have forgotten to turn it back on or didn’t realize what it was for. Always check the switches on your AC units before calling a technician for air conditioning service in Keizer, OR.
Check the Batteries on Your Thermostat
The batteries may be drained if the thermostat display doesn’t light up. The thermostat also won’t signal your AC to turn on and off. Changing the batteries avoids having to call a professional. You’ll know right away after putting in new batteries. The thermostat should light up, and the air conditioner should turn on when you adjust the settings.
Look at the Thermostat’s Settings
Your thermostat must be set to “Cool” for your air conditioner to produce cool air. Thermostats often get reset accidentally. Check whether someone changed the setting to “Heat” or if the system is on at all. Or, the current setting may not call for cooling. Set the thermostat down a few degrees and see if the AC kicks in. Call an HVAC technician if it doesn’t, or your thermostat displays an error message for an issue you can’t resolve.
Open or Unclog Vents and Registers
Your HVAC system’s vents and registers allow for smooth airflow and circulation. But dirt and debris can build up on covers and grilles and inside a vent or register. A blocked vent is as bad as a dirty air filter. Therefore, check the vents and registers often and clean them as necessary. Also, try to keep as many open as possible. Closing vents can increase pressure and strain the system.
See If the Outdoor Unit Is Obstructed
The outdoor unit is exposed to the elements, so requires a little more TLC. Leaves, twigs, and debris can pile up on and around it and restrict or cut off the air supply. Clear away any debris and trim back bushes growing near the condenser unit. If blocked airflow was the cause of the problem, the AC should work properly. Otherwise, check the inside of the unit. If the condenser coil is dirty, hose it off or use a coil cleaner, but if the buildup is difficult to remove, call in a technician.
Check the Condensate Drain
A safety switch turns off your AC if the drain pan is full. It helps prevent water from leaking into your home. If the pan is full, the condensate drain is likely clogged. Flush the line if you can. A professional may be needed to address a deeper clog or if the cutoff or float switch doesn’t disengage after clearing the line.
Call Air Stars for Air Conditioning Service in Keizer, OR
Air Stars is a leading AC repair company in the Salem area. If the simple solutions above don’t resolve your AC issues or the unit leaks, cycles frequently emit foul odors or are unusually noisy, request help immediately. The system may have low refrigerant, a sensor problem, a faulty controller, a mechanical issue, or a wire or connection problem. Join our maintenance plan to save and take advantage of our special offers and financing. To learn more or schedule air conditioning service in Keizer, OR, call (503) 461-4014 today.